Saadia Organics Blog — Argan Uses
Warning: You Don't Want This Stuff on Your Face
Examining High Quality Cosmetics I am always examining ingredients and examining high quality cosmetics. Another new article surfaced about beauty products in the Washington Post National earlier this week. And the big bad headline says... Soaps, makeup and other items contain deadly ingredients, say consumer advocates My reaction? "Ugh. Not again." You see, I love beauty products. Few things in the world are more fun to me than makeup. I adore cosmetics and all of the lovely little potions that make me look and feel great. But I hate the thought of phthalates, parabens, formaldehye and diethanolamine on my...
Argan Oil for Wrinkles: Forget Botox
Forget Botox and Use Argan Oil for Wrinkles! If you're in the process of fighting wrinkles and trying to look a bit younger, have I got the ideal combination for you: argan oil for wrinkles! Do I love our Argan Oil? Of course I do. It has done amazing things for a lot of people, myself included. I love what it does to my hair. It's cleaned up my sometimes raggedy cuticles. It keeps my dry skin soft and hydrated. It took care of my Angry Eyelids (a couple of times). And it helped reduce the appearance of the horizontal...
Argan Oil for Nails: Ainslie's Finger Blues
Following is my experience using Argan Oil for it helped me to stop being embarrassed about my hands: As a hair stylist, my hands are very important. Sadly, they are also usually the most mangled part of my body. Constantly in water, chemicals, and handling very sharp tools, my fingers became more and more embarrassing to me. Aside from those factors, I had a terrible habit of picking at them when I became stressed. They became worse and worse and were very painful. During the holidays, I made a resolution: to fix my fingers. Being ashamed of your hands...
Argan Oil for Eyes: Joèl's Big Mistake
Goodbye Frown Lines, Thank You Argan Oil
I have never been one to take great care of my skin. When I first met my husband, we were both living in Taiwan. We both drove scooters everywhere. And while driving, I frowned. He named my frown “scooter face”. It was many years later, through him constantly pointing out my frown that I realized that “scooter face” is usually just my normal facial expression. I frown when I think (and I think too much), I frown when I watch tv, I frown when I write, and I frown when I listen. And as you can imagine, scooter face...