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Saadia Organics Blog — fake argan oil

4 Shocking Truths about Fake Argan Oil

4 Shocking Truths about Fake Argan Oil

The Business of Fake Argan Oil With the popularity of our article: “7 warning signs that your Argan Oil is Impure”, I decided to add some more interesting truths about the argan oil industry. While its popularity is growing around the world, it seems the majority of what you find is fake argan oil. Here are some suprising truths that you may not know about this liquid gold and the industry itself. 1. It is hard to find real argan oil…even in Morocco       Fake argan oil is everywhere! It takes approximately 30kg of argan fruit to produce 1 litre...

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What is the Best Brand of Argan Oil?

The Best Brand of Argan Oil We've said it before, and we will say it again. All brands of Argan Oil are not created equal. It's sad, but true. What is the best brand of argan oil? There are three things to look for as you decide on which brand of Argan Oil to spend your money on. First, it needs to be authentic. If it's not real Argan Oil, it's not worth buying. There is a lot of junky stuff available that is trying to pass for Argan Oil. Some of these products contain as little Argan Oil as...

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